Brain Health

20 Tips For Becoming a Lifelong Learner

Becoming a lifelong learner can enhance every area of your life! From his New York Times best-selling book “Use Your Brain to Change Your Age,” Dr. Amen offers 20 brain-healthy tips to become a lifelong learner.     1.  To find your motivation to learn something new, begin by asking yourself, “What gifts do you…

20 Tips for Making Brain-Healthy Decisions Today

It is the quality of your decisions that will help you live a long time… or send you to an early grave. A little forethought (and appropriate anxiety) is all that you need. When evaluating a decision, step back and ask yourself, “Is this really in my best interest? Will this make me better, stronger, healthier,…

12 Ways to Make Your Love Unforgettable

Every relationship, even the very best one, requires maintenance. Here are 12 tips on how to use your brain to improve yours and make it truly unforgettable. MAKE IT LAST, MAKE IT UNFORGETTABLE Embedding Yourself in Your Partner’s Memory “It is not the number of breaths you take that matter, but the moments that take…

9 ANTs That Keep You in Chains

Here is a list of the 9 most common types of ANTs, as well as, Dr. Amen’s descriptions of each and the negative impact they have on you. Over the years therapists have identified 9 “species” of ANTs or types of negative thoughts that can increase your risk for relapse:   All or nothing Always…

5 Amazing Things Your Brain Can Do

Here’s how to maximize your brainpower. Article written from an interview with Dr. Amen. As published on Women’s Health online, February 13, 2013 You know your mind is great at solving complex problems and daydreaming about Ryan Gosling, but it can do a lot more than that. Your brain can actually control everything from…

50 Tips for Dealing With Food Pushers

Having trouble with food pushers? Here are some tips on how best to overcome their pushy ways! Food pushers are all around us. Every day, we’re bombarded with the wrong messages about food. TV commercials, billboards, and radio ads are constantly showing us images of happy, attractive people enjoying greasy fast food, judgment-impairing cocktails, and…