The 5 Types of Overeaters: Type 4 Sad or Emotional

Corporate America is highly skilled at getting you to eat and drink things that are not good for you. Every day, we’re bombarded with the wrong messages: TV commercials, billboards and radio ads show us misleading images of happy, attractive people enjoying greasy fast food and dehydrating caffeinated drinks that decrease brain function and lower your self-control.

Unfortunately, the more overweight you are, the greater the stress on your physiology—particularly the increased inflammation in your body—which affects the volume of the grey matter between your ears, in addition to putting you at risk for serious medical problems.

Introducing Type 4 Overeater: Sad/Emotional

People with this type tend to use food to medicate underlying feelings of sadness and to calm the emotional storms in their brains.

They often struggle with:
1. Boredom
2. Loneliness
3. Depression
4. Low self-esteem
5. Pain issues
6. Decreased libido
7. Periods of crying
8. Low energy levels
9. Suicidal thoughts
10. Lack of interest in usually pleasurable activities
11. Feelings of guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, or worthlessness

For some people, these feelings come and go with the seasons and tend to worsen in winter. Others experience mild feelings of chronic sadness, called dysthymia. Still others suffer from more serious depressions. This type is more frequently seen in women.

What SPECT Findings Tell Us

The SPECT findings of sad or emotional overeaters typically reveal markedly increased activity in the deep limbic areas of the brain—commonly seen in mood disorders and in people who have had emotional trauma—and decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex.

Treating mood disorders with behavioral interventions, natural supplements, and medication when needed, can be the key to weight loss.

We Can Help

At Amen Clinics, we know that food addiction issues are not a function of not trying hard enough, being lazy, or not having enough willpower. We will work with you to address your specific brain type so that you can eliminate food addiction, reach your weight loss goals and feel amazing every day. Click here to learn more about how Amen Clinics can help, or call today at 888-288-9834.