Helpful Tips from Tana

Eating out is a pleasure I don’t want you to forego on the Omni Diet. More and more often, a restaurant meal is how we reconnect with family or friends and just relax instead of rushing home to prepare a meal. Try these strategies to eat out the Omni way:
These days almost all restaurants, from the humblest to the most haute cuisine, have a website that includes menus for every meal served. Check out restaurant menus that are new to you online to make sure you can eat the Omni way. You can also choose what you want to eat in advance from the online menu.
While you’re on the website, look to see if the restaurant has a gluten free menu. More and more do. Even so, be sure to ask the server, manager or chef about their gluten knowledge. Some think gluten is found only in bread or forget about hidden gluten in menu items, for example, bread crumbs in hamburgers or soy sauce (which contains gluten) in marinades and sauces.
Always make a reservation. This is a good idea even if you don’t think it is necessary. The manager will remember you and as a “regular” you will feel more comfortable making special requests.
Unless you’re with others who want the breadbasket or other munchies that appear on the table shortly after you sit down, send that stuff back. You’re not going to eat it, so why look at it? Make one decision, not thirty. If bread is on the table you will flirt with it; pretty soon it’s calling your name. Before you know it you’re having a full blown affair!
Have a list of heathy alternatives with you at all times (on your phone). For example, use veggies for dipping. Hummus and guacamole are great alternatives to processed dips. Use coconut wraps in place of bread. Look for dozens of more tips in the Omni Diet and on my website,