You’ll Never Guess the #1 Underrated Secret To Vibrant Health

Dr. Amen underscores the importance of conscientiousness and good decision-making in determining your overall health and longevity. In fact, he shares that moderate worry (caring about and thinking about the future) is actually beneficial, citing the 90-year-long study, which showed that the people who had a “don’t worry, be happy” disposition didn’t fare well. In fact, the study found that they died earlier because they didn’t take health seriously and were more likely to die of accidents and preventable diseases such as diabetes or hypertension!
So how can you support your healthy conscientiousness and ensure better decision-making? Here are the five brain-based strategies that Dr. Amen gives in this video.
  1. Always Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels StableLow blood sugar is associated with lower overall blood flow to the brain, which leads to bad decisions. Researchers have found that drug addicts were much more likely to relapse when their blood sugar levels were low.
    To keep your blood sugar level stable:

    • Eat high quality food with some protein 4-5 times a day.
    • Take natural supplements such as alpha lipoic acid, which has been shown to support healthy blood sugar and brain health.
  2. Get at Least 7-8 Hours of Sleep Each NightLess than 6 hours of sleep is associated with overall lower blood flow, which means lower blood flow to the brain and more bad decisions. Protect your sleep at all costs!
  3. Eliminate Toxins (i.e., drugs, alcohol, pesticides, paint fumes)Have you ever wondered why they serve you free alcohol at casinos? If you drink, you are more likely to make poor decisions and give them more money!
  4. Ask, “Then What?”Ask yourself, if I do or say ____, then what will happen? Does eating the third piece of pizza, skipping the workout, staying up late, etc. help me with any of my goals? Of course not! Put these two words up where you can see them everyday: Then what?
  5. Ask, “Why Do I Care?”Why is brain health and longevity important to you? Determine your motivation to live long, healthy and have a good brain.

Check out Brain Fit Life, Dr. Amen’s online community-based program to learn more about living a brain healthy life.