Willpower Robbers

Dr. Amen highlights factors that will negatively influence you willpower.
To conquer your cravings, you must strengthen your willpower.
Here is a list of things that rob you of willpower and make you more likely to give in to your cravings:
Any brain problems.
Brain trauma.
Poor sleep (Go to Soothe My Stress for tools to help you sleep).
Low blood sugar
Poor diet (Go to Eat Right to Think Right for healthy meals)
Some forms of depression.
Negative thinking (Go to Change My Thoughts for tools to help you kill the ANTs).
Focus on your problems and fears.
Bad habits, giving in (Go to Train My Brain for exercises to boost your self-control).
Too much pleasure.
Artificial forms of pleasure.
Negative or meaningless behaviors.
Social isolation.
Being in denial about problems (Go to Change My Thoughts for tools to help you kill the ANTs).
Lack of exercise (Go to Train My Body for exercise tips and videos).
Denial of feelings.