Treatment For Depression

Mental health problems are often challenging to diagnose. Depression is a very common mental illness that can be related to many brain disorders. Treatment for depression depends on the root cause of the patient’s diagnoses and calls for a thorough examination.

At Amen Clinics, we strive to identify the root cause of depression. Treatment for depression begins with a four-pronged method designed to give you the best possible individualized care. We are unique in using brain SPECT imaging to diagnose all types of depression.

Diagnosis & Treatment for Depression: Find the Root Cause

Most psychiatrists do not look at the organ they treat. This is why Amen Clinics has developed a system of looking at all aspects of a patient’s mental health, revealing many specific brain health problems. Brain SPECT imaging allows health experts to see where abnormalities are occurring in the brain.

Our clinic’s approach includes an advanced four-step assessment:

  • We will begin by taking the time to explore your specific biological, psychological, social and spiritual influences.
  • Next, we will perform neuropsychological tests to measure various aspects of your brain function.
  • Then, we will perform two brain SPECT scans: one at rest and one during concentration.
  • Finally, we will order lab tests to rule out nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, toxicity, etc.— if deemed necessary.

Not only does SPECT help identify proper treatment for depression with imaging, it also allows patients to overcome the emotional burden of seeking help for a problem they may not believe is physical.

Natural Treatments for Depression vs Antidepressants

It is our goal to focus on natural treatments for depression. In some cases, antidepressants might be prescribed, but only when deemed necessary. Many people suffering from depression do not find SSRIs to be effective, and Amen Clinics is committed to finding treatments that work for you.

Many of our recommendations include healthy changes to diet, exercise, supplementation, and positive strategies for coping with stress. Treatment options will depend on your unique assessment and include the following options:


Brain reserve is a concept we often talk about when a person has run out of the capacity to cope with stress. When lifestyle changes are not enough, we do not stop to help patients on their path to become better and have many treatment options available.

Depression Symptoms & Causes

Depression is not the same as situational sadness, however, grief can send a person into a deep depression as well. Losing a loved one, suffering a chronic illness, enduring a sudden injury, and taking on immense emotional burdens all cause stress to the body and can cause depression. Treatment for depression depends on the cause.

Anxiety and depression are closely related. Amen Clinics often views these two mental health issues as two sides to the same problem, categorizing them together into 7 types. These are some of the most common symptoms:

  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness or pessimism
  • Decreased appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
  • Decreased energy, fatigue or feeling “slowed down”
  • Disruption in sleep patterns
  • Persistent sad or negative mood
  • Loss of interest in usually pleasurable activities
  • Restlessness, irritability or excessive crying
  • Frequent feelings of nervousness or anxiety
  • Excessive fear of being judged or scrutinized by others
  • Being easily startled or tendency to freeze in anxiety provoking or intense situation
  • Shyness, timidity and getting easily embarrassed
  • Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts


Identifying your symptoms of depression and anxiety are the start to finding the root cause. Amen clinics is experienced with a diverse range of causes to depression and prepared to meet you individual needs.

Depression Treatment with Suicidal Depression

Suicidal depression requires immediate help. If you or a loved one suffers from suicidal depression, there are steps to take today to find treatment. Learn to recognize suicidal depression and prevent a tragedy for yourself and a loved one. Some suffering from suicidal depression choose to hide their pain while others show it and must be taken seriously.

The most important aspect to overcoming suicidal depression is to offer help or seek help. Talking about depression is the first step to finding treatment for depression.

Depression Treatment with Mood Disorders

Bipolar disorder treatment is not straightforward. Around 4% of Americans suffer from bipolar disorder, but at Amen Clinics we often find patients have been underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Many bipolar disorder patients suffer from ADD/ADHD, brain injury, or other problems which mimic and exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Depression is very common with mood disorders as people experience manic and depressive states. These are serious brain disorders which must be properly diagnosed in order to identify treatment for the root cause of their depression. Following through on treatment for depression in mood disorders is challenging as patients often feel they are cured or never needed treatment once the treatment is effective. Finding professional help and a support network to aid with following through is essential.

Depression Treatment with Brain Injury

One common symptom of a brain injury is depression.

When we are young, we sometimes take a tumble during an important phase of development. When we grow older, we partake in activities such as football and driving, which can lead to a head injury. You might have memories of a head injury prior to a dramatic shift in your personality. Symptoms might be accompanied by:

  • Confusion
  • Difficulty with concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty with word choice
  • Mental or physical fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Moodiness
  • Anger outbursts
  • Anxiety
  • Vision problems
  • Balance problems

Depression Treatment with Postpartum Depression

During pregnancy and after childbirth, women are at serious risk of developing postpartum depression. It’s important to view depression as an illness and not as a lack of will to be a good mother. Symptoms include:

  • Sadness or hopelessness
  • Sudden anger or rage
  • Anxiety or difficulty with decision-making
  • Feelings of failing to adopt “motherly instincts”
  • Self-isolation from friends and family
  • Sleeping too little or too much, and out of sync with the baby
  • Eating too little or too much
  • Difficulty forming an attachment to the baby
  • Thoughts of self-harm or harming the baby


Fluctuations in hormones, major life changes, and biological triggers all come into play when diagnosing depression for mothers. Postpartum depression treatment is offered by Amen Clinics to help mothers feel pride in their lives again.

Ketamine Therapy for Depression Treatment

Many who suffer from depression are unable to find refuge from negative thoughts. These thoughts attack the patient’s mind and keep them stuck in a pattern of destructive behavior.

One type of highly successful treatment for depression is ketamine injections. Ketamine opens a window of clarity for those suffering from depression to alleviate stress, enabling treatment under the guidance of health professionals.

Find Treatment for Your Depression

Those with depression experience similar symptoms to each other, but depression has many root causes. To find the right treatment for depression, it is essential to diagnose the problem. Amen Clinics is prepared to help you on your unique journey.

Make an appointment by calling 888-288-9834 today or scheduling online, and review our locations to find the nearest clinic to your home.