Tips to Combat Stress that Work

When the day gets hectic, crazy and out of control it is our brain that either helps us to stop and enjoy the precious moments with our family or get caught up in the stress. It is our brain that can either help us to be more consistent in following through on our parenting philosophies or it is our brain that causes us to give up and give in when things get tough. For this reason, we cannot afford to not take care of our brain, and how we manage our stress directly affects how our brain is working and our interactions with our family.
One way I like to help cope with stress is to journal about my parenting journey. It helps me to process the stressful times, reflect on the precious moments, and stay mindful of how I want to be in the midst of the chaos. I find that even writing just one sentence to sum up my day can be helpful.
Today I came across this old journal entry when my daughter was four years old and my twin boys were 7 months old: “Today I was barfed on, drooled on, peed on and pooped on, but I was also hugged on, kissed on, cuddled with and loved on!!!” Reading this journal entry is a helpful reminder for me of just how important it is to stop and be mindful!
Taking time to mindfully direct our focus on these amazing moments in the midst of chaos helps us to soothe our brain and calm our anxiety centers which then allows us to be more purposeful in our parenting and interactions with loved ones.
What are your favorite ways to find mindful moments in the midst of chaos?