Tip the Scale in Your Favor

Many people get frustrated when they exercise every day but do not see the scale changing. Use these 10 tips to help you break any plateau and reach your brain and body goals. Realigning your lifestyle choices and changing your habits with the recommendations below can help you live a brain healthy life.

  1. Do a Combination of Different Types of ExerciseIf you do the same exercise every day, then your body gets used to it and you won’t see results.
    By changing up your exercise routine you will have a better outcome. Doing a combination of cardiovascular, strength and stretching exercises can help break your plateaus.
    Interval training is a great way to increase your heart rate, metabolism and burn calories faster. Try jogging for 3 minutes and then walking for 1 minute then repeat. Coach Tana recommends that when you are walking, walk like you are late.
    Having trouble making exercise fun? Try working out with a friend or joining a team sport. Having a friend or group to work out with gives you extra support and motivation to reach your health goals.
    Here’s Coach Tana’s workout schedule to help you workout smarter, not harder.

    • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: Strength train for about 40 minutes a day.
    • Tuesdays and Thursdays: Interval train for 30 minutes (20 minutes if you’re a beginner)
    • Saturdays: Interval train or take a 30-minute walk
    • Sundays: Rest and rejuvenate
  2. Don’t Reward Yourself for a Hard Workout with TreatsExercise is not an excuse to eat whatever you want. Exercise actually magnifies the benefits of nutritional choices you make. Not only is sugar addicting, but eating sugary foods can lead to weight gain even if you exercise. When you eat sugar and other simple carbs, your blood sugar typically shoots up within minutes, stays elevated for a short time, and then plummets. As your blood sugar falls, your body gets an urgent message to eat more sugar and simple carbs! If you are having trouble eliminating sugar from you diet, try the Amen Clinics Craving Control supplement can help you break the cravings and move on to a road of success. After a workout you should be eating a balanced meal with protein, vegetable and healthy fats. Stay clear of bread, pasta, sugar and other simple carbs.
  3. Properly Fuel Your Body for ExerciseYour body needs foods that kick-start its metabolism and provide it with fuel for energy. It does best on 5 small meals throughout the day. This helps to keep your blood sugar and mood stable throughout the day. Do not skip meals! Carry a handful of raw nuts in your bag, desk or car so you can have a healthy snack between meals.
  4. End Emotional EatingWhen we eat mindlessly, we tend to overeat because we are emotionally eating instead of eating for fuel. Eating more than your body is burning can lead to weight gain. Most women need 1,800 to 2,000 calories and most men need 2,200 to 2,500 a day to maintain their current weight. To lose a pound of weight a week, you need to cut your calories, by eating less, and exercising more. It is best to do both, eat less and exercise more. However, we want you to remain healthy and that means you should be consuming no less than 1,200 calories per day.
  5. Eat SlowerIt takes your body 20 minutes to realize that it’s full. Eating slower helps you to connect to your internal cues, so that you do not eat as much. When chewing your food, enjoy every bite and be 100% present when eating.
  6. Listen to How Your Body FeelsIs your scale not moving but your clothes fit better? While, 1LB of fat weighs the same as 1LB of muscle, muscle is denser than fat. This means that muscle takes up less space than fat. This is why the scale might not be moving but you feel better and your clothes fit better. Yes, it’s great when the number on the scale changes, but it’s fantastic when you have blood test results that prove you’re doing more than just losing weight. You’re significantly lowering your risk for a range of health problems.
  7. Get Enough SleepGetting enough sleep can lead you to make healthier decisions overall. We often overeat when we are tired or do not have the energy for a good workout. Sleep is a cornerstone of long-term brain health, vibrant energy and it also plays a huge part in weight control. Many studies have shown that chronic failure to get enough sleep increases the risk of being overweight. You should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night.
  8. Stay HydratedDehydration can lead to weight gain. Many people often confuse hunger for thirst and overeat. Staying hydrated is an essential key to being healthy. It’s recommended to drinking half your body weight in ounces; for example, if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces of water daily. Do not exceed 100 ounces of water daily.
  9. Eat HealthyYes, its true-sugar does not suit your body. To eliminate all sugar from your diet, read the Omni Diet book to learn great techniques to stop craving sugar. Watch your portion sizes and eat a combination of 30% protein and 70% vegetables with healthy fats.
    Here is a sample plate: 2 vegetables with olive oil, palm-size piece of protein, ¼ avocado and ½ sweet potato or ½ cup quinoa. Eating a balanced meal like this for lunch and dinner is not only delicious but can curb cravings and lead to a healthier body and brain.
  10. Meet with a NutritionistWe all need help and guidance. Work with a professional who can help you reach your goals without feeling deprived. Reach out to your brain health Coach Erica MS RD CDN, the Amen clinics Nutrition Director for guidance.