The 5 Types of Overeaters: Type 2 Impulsive Overeaters

Did you know as the size of your waistline goes up, the size and functioning of your brain goes down?

In other words, the more overweight you are, the greater the stress on your physiology particularly the increased inflammation in your body—which affects the volume of the grey matter between your ears, in addition to putting you at risk for serious medical problems.

Obesity is an underlying cause of many preventable diseases that result in lowered quality of life and even death, such as:

• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Type 2 diabetes
• Certain cancers
• Depression
Alzheimer’s disease

The Different Types of Overeaters: Type 2 Impulsive

People with this type struggle with impulsivity and have trouble controlling their behavior, even though they may begin each day with good intentions. They don’t think about food constantly, but whenever they see something they like, they can’t resist. They have a hard time saying “no” even if they aren’t really hungry. They have a hard time bypassing a second—or third or fourth—slice of pizza, piece of cake, or helping of mashed potatoes.

The most common brain SPECT finding in this type is decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex which is most commonly associated with low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Impulsive overeating is common among people who have ADD, which has also been associated with low dopamine levels in the brain. People with ADD struggle with:

• A short attention span
• Distractibility
• Disorganization

What Research Says

Research suggests that having untreated ADD nearly doubles the risk for being overweight. Without proper treatment, it is nearly impossible for these people to be consistent with any nutrition plan.

Impulsive overeating may also be the result of some form of toxic exposure, a near-drowning accident, a brain injury to the front part of the brain, or a brain infection, such as chronic fatigue syndrome. Overweight smokers and heavy coffee drinkers also tend to fit this type.

Impulsive overeating may worsen with food or treatment that boosts serotonin because this neurotransmitter calms the brain and although it can decrease worries it also decreases impulse control.

Things that deplete dopamine levels are also a problem, so we help impulsive overeaters by boosting dopamine levels and strengthening the prefrontal cortex.

Why We Are Different

By discovering your particular brain type, we get very important information that helps us create the best nutrition and lifestyle plan to help you:
Lose weight
• Optimize brain function
• Become healthier
• Increase energy

Let’s Break the Weight Loss Cycle for Good

The Amen Clinics Method—developed through 26 years of clinical practice—uses a detailed clinical history, SPECT imaging to understand brain function, neuropsychological testing and laboratory studies to target treatment specifically to your brain using the least toxic, most effective means. If you, or someone you love, could benefit from an evaluation at Amen Clinics, call our Care Coordinators today at 888-288-9834 or tell us more online.