Tag Archives: exercises

Understanding and Optimizing the Brain Systems of Sex

Find out how the different areas of your brain can positively and negatively affect your mood and relationship. NO FORETHOUGHT EQUALS NO FOREPLAY “The great sins of the world take place in the brain: but it is in the brain that everything takes place…. It is in the brain that the poppy is red, that…

Reward Yourself for the Small Successes

Progress deserves reward! Here are some ideas on how to celebrate what you have already accomplished! When you reach short-term goals, give yourself a pat on the back, but don’t celebrate with substances or activities that harm your brain.  Why do we choose to celebrate birthdays, promotions, and other successes with foods and drinks that…

Reversing Brain Damage in Former NFL Players

Read about what has happened to some former NFL players since starting care with Dr. Amen, and what it all means for you and your brain. Your Brain Can Be Better, Even If You Have Been Bad To It   Read the Study Abstract: Reversing Brain Damage in Former NFL Players: Implications for Traumatic Brain…

Relaxation Techniques

Dr. Amen suggests breathing techniques to help you relax and de-stress your day. Benefits of Deep Breathing Breathing is such an important part of our daily lives and something we don’t think about very often. It’s a simple and very effective addition to a healthy lifestyle. Being mindful and paying attention to our breath, by…


Read about Dr. Amen’s 8 steps to help improve your social skills, and surround yourself with people who will lift you up instead of bring you down. Professor Howard Markman, Ph.D, director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver can predict with 90% accuracy who will get divorced and…

Make Your Own Miracles

What are your goals? What does success mean to you? How do you feel about what you have done so far? Use this article to help you answer these questions and motivate yourself to keep going, even when times are tough! Use Your Brain to Define Your Dreams and Make Them a Reality “If you…

Journal Your Journey to Stay on Track by Daniel G. Amen, MD

Dr. Amen says people who journal are twice as successful in changing their habits. Here’s more: If you’re having trouble staying on track, it might be time to start journaling. One of the biggest reasons why people don’t succeed at losing weight and getting healthy is because they neglect to track their food intake and…