5 Ways To Say NO During The Holiday Season

Oh, that elusive willpower! If only we could capture it like rain water and gulp it down to become the men and women we dream we can be! But what if I told you that willpower is simply a brain function that can be helped through several simple actions? It’s true. In fact, there are 5 Steps to strengthen your willpower that you can begin practicing right now.

What’s your goal? Whether you are starting a diet, saving for retirement or
remaining faithful in your marriage, you need willpower. Willpower can help you
reach your goals (or the lack of it can completely ruin your life). I’ve got five brain healthy actions you can take that will strengthen both your willpower and your self-control—and the great news is that anyone can do them, even you.

  1. Do Not Let Your Blood Sugar Levels Get Too Low

    I bet this one is a surprise! Yep, low blood sugar levels are associated with
    poor impulse control and irritability. If you want better willpower, have
    frequent small meals that contain at least some protein. Protein stabilizes
    your blood sugar.

  2. Make Sure To Get Enough Sleep

    You might think it takes willpower to go on little sleep, but it’s the opposite!
    You need 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Less than 7 hours of sleep is associated
    with lower overall blood flow to the brain, which means overall your
    willpower will kind of lose its…uh…power.

  3. Fill Out the One Page Miracle (on the Motivation Section of Brain Fit Life)

    You can’t get somewhere unless you know where you want to go and are
    motivated to get there. You need to know your specific goals for
    relationships, work, money and health in order to reach them. Ask yourself
    everyday, "Is my behavior today getting me what I want?" I call this section
    the One Page Miracle because it makes such a dramatic difference in the lives
    of those who practice it. YOUR MIND IS POWERFUL! It can manifest what you envision. Focus and meditate on what you want.

  4. Practice Willpower

    Sorry, you can’t escape this one! The great news is that willpower is just like
    a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. This is why good
    parenting is essential to all children developing self-control. If we gave our
    10-year-old daughter everything she wanted, we would raise a spoiled,
    demanding child. By saying no, I teach her to be able to say no to herself. To
    develop willpower, you need to do the same thing for yourself. Practice
    saying no to things that are not good for you and over time, you’ll find it gets
    easier to do!

  5. Balance Your Brain Chemistry

    We will help you do that on Brain Fit Life! Illnesses, ADD, anxiety and
    depression decrease willpower. Getting help for these problems is essential
    to being in control of your life. Supplements can make a powerful impact.
    For example, research suggests supplementing with Green Tea and
    5-HTP to help balance healthy brain function and promote weight loss!
    On Brain Fit Life, you already know your brain type. Using supplements
    recommended for your brain type can help optimize your brain. Brain health
    is a pillar of having a brain fit life.

These 5 tips make a dramatic difference on your ability to control yourself,
strengthen your willpower and be on track in order to reach your goals!